We're enjoying our weekend trip to our nation's capital. Yesterday (Saturday) we drove into Pentagon City and took the Metro to The National Mall area. We went to the Air and Space Museum for awhile and looked around before walking around. The inital plan was to go to the Air and Space Museum then go to the Natural History Museum so David could see the dinosaur bones; however, I think his patience was waning before we even left the Air and Space museum, so we opted to go for a walk along the mall instead. It was really surreal seeing the Pentagon from the car and the Metro, going across the Potomac River, seeing the White House (although from a fair distance since we were between the Washington Monument and the WWII Memorial). Our cousin, Jay Crossler, told David that the Washington Monument was a dinosaur toothpick, so when we saw it today on our way into Pentagon City, that is what he called it.
loves Jay and Jackie and all their Guinea pigs and dog. I tend to think that Jay, Timber and Fanny (the 2 female Guinea pigs) are his favorites since he talks about them all fairly constantly. :) Today, he couldn't wait to get back to their apartment so he could make sure that Timber and Fanny were still doing OK. Jay thinks that I'll end up getting a Guinea pig for David...I don't think so. :)
Today Jay and Jackie had to work, so Rob, the boys and myself were on our own to go to the zoo and do whatever our hearts desired. We felt pretty proud that we were able to figure out the Metro on our own, we made it to the zoo (which was actually pretty disappointing--we liked Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle
much better!). David was happy to see the Pandas. Aidan was tired and just wanted to eat his popcorn and do what he wanted to do (e.g., sit down on the ground instead of walk while trying to leave the Giant Panda exhibit. He was happy to look through the Panda activity book we picked up while he was riding in the backpack.
After leaving the zoo, we ate lunch at the Starbucks across the street before taking the Metro back to Pentagon City to get our car. Since we got back to our car early enough, we ventured down to IKEA in Woodbridge, VA to get a couple of things that have been on our list. Unfortunately they had sold out of their painting easels, so we weren't able to get that. Aidan woke up right when we got there after taking a short, but much needed nap in the car, and he screamed until after we got him some ice cream to help keep him occupied. David played in the kids' area there, so we only had one rugrat to worry about while we were shopping. Yeah, we were in and out of there in less than one hour--an amazing feat!
OK, David needs to get to bed, and I need to relax a bit more. We played Carcassonne with Jay and Jackie last night and were up until almost 2 this morning! Tomorrow we head home and I will be able to post pictures from our adventures then. Might have to scan in a copy of our Metro pass (aka David's ticket) too.