My friend, Jenn, tagged me to share the 5 things I dig about Jesus--drum roll, please...
1. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
2. He gave up all his glory and splendor in heaven to come down here on earth as a man to later die on the cross for me--as payment for my sins and rose again 3 days later. Giving me hope that the best is yet to come. "He went from commanding angels to sleeping in the straw. From holding stars to clutching Mary's finger. The palm that held the universe took the nail of a soldier. Why? Because that's what love does." (Max Lucado)
3. I'm created in His likeness!
4. His love for me--for all of us--is unconditional.
5. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13
The rules state that I am supposed to tag 5 others, but many of my blog readers do not have their own blogs. So, if you want to participate, feel free to comment!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Feelings of thankfulness...
Have you ever been so thankful for an appliance? You know...those extreme feelings of gratefulness and feelings of wonder as to how you could have ever gotten by without it? Yeah, that's how I feel about my Bissel Mini-Green cleaner! I have used it SO many times since we bought it a year ago (and twice today, even). It worked great to get about a liter of white grape juice out of the dining room carpet just a few minutes ago and also got Aidan's pee-pee accident cleaned up too. Yes...I'm very thankful for this little appliance. It has truly been a lifesaver!
Friday, June 15, 2007
More from yesterday...

Here are a couple of others that I took of the boys together. They definitely made me work for these. :) We went back to Pandapas Pond this morning to take them on their first fishing trip. I'll post pics as soon as I upload them. Let's just say that fishing is a good lesson in patience for active little boys. :) They had fun though.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The boys...

I have been wanting to take photos of the boys for over a month now (I had something in mind for a Mother's Day gift, but it looks like it's going to be a very belated Mother's Day gift/father's day gift now?!?!). David doesn't really like to smile much for the camera anymore--naturally anyways, unless we're trying to get him to laugh. Both boys were a little tired after their mornings of swimming lessons too, so that probably didn't help matters much, but I did get a few cute ones. :) Plus, I kind of like the serious one of David--even if he does look so big.
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