After a few months of having 4 loose teeth, David finally pulled one out this morning, right before we went downtown to the farmer's market. Yesterday, Rob and I noticed that David's tooth was much looser (when you can hear the thing squish when he wiggles it, you know that it's time for it to come out), so we convinced him to keep wiggling it so he can be visited by the tooth fairy. He hadn't pulled it out by the time that he went to bed, so he promptly went to work on wiggling it this morning. Wiggling while we were cuddling, wiggling while I was reading Charlotte's Web aloud to him, wiggling, wiggling, wiggling...
I really think that he was scared that if he really tried to pull it out that it was going to be really painful. So, as soon as he wiggled it again (in front of the bathroom mirror off-and-on), and then came down to show me, it just popped out in his hand! He was in a bit of a state of disbelief at first, then he smiles at me with his newly toothless grin and proclaimed, "Mom, that really didn't hurt at all!" We jumped and danced around the kitchen and dining area then he wanted to call Nana. After Nana, he called Uncle Dunny. Apparently, they had quite the conversation going about how much he should ask the Tooth Fairy to give him. Dustin suggested that he go for $20, David ended up getting up to the $500 mark. I had to let him know that the tooth fairy just doesn't carry that kind of cash. ;) waits to be seen how long it will take for D-man to decide to start pulling out his other loose teeth.