Our trip to Williamsburg was awesome, in spite of having 2 tired kids who wore on Mama and Daddy. :-) The sites were incredible. Both boys had fun getting to explore. Both loved the horses and other animals we saw while walking through the town. Aidan was especially fond of the horses. Rob let him pet one of the horses the first day we were there. Talk about sure joy from a certain 19-month-old! He was laughing, talking to the horses and getting really excited. You could see that he was a little bit in awe of the size of the horse, but so excited at being able to touch and experience one close up. David thought the horses were really neat too, although he didn't get as excited about them as Aidan did. He actually got a little more excited at listening to the cows moo, and seeing the sheep in one of the pastures.
Both boys ended up getting wooden toy pistols (if anyone has seen the pictures I posted on Snapfish, you would have seen what I am talking about). David got his on Monday, and every time Aidan wanted to play with it, big brother didn't like it...so...we ended up getting Aidan one of his own when we went back Tuesday morning. David carries his around everywhere. Occasionally he'll even put on his tricorn hat and walk around the house on the lookout for some "red coats." David even got to touch a bayonet and a real military rifle when we looked inside the Magazine, and talked to the man in costume who was telling visitors about different weapons and their functions. I definitely have two very BOY boys. :-) The other thing that they got really excited about was watching the blacksmith make nails. Aidan was enthralled with the fire and would watch intently what the blacksmith was doing. David was our question-asker. "What's he doing?" "What happens when he pulls on that string?" "Why does he pull on that string?" "Look--he's hammering!" The nails that the blacksmiths make are used for different projects around Colonial Williamsburg. If people in costume are building things, they are more than likely using the handmade nails.
Part of our trip involved driving to Costco about 16 miles away from Williamsburg in Newport News, VA. Had to get diapers, and we really like the ones from Costco (plus, you get such a good deal on them!). Ended up buying jeans for us all too which ended up being great for when we went to Virginia Beach to play after leaving Costco.

I have finally seen and touched the Atlantic Ocean. It was so crazy to think that less than 6 months ago, the boys and I were playing in the Pacific Ocean on a trip over to Heceta Head with my dad. The water was cold, but that didn't stop us crazy people! David decided to stand in the water with his socks and shoes, then after it registered that they were wet, he had to take them off. Aidan didn't want to physically touch the water, but he did enjoy watching the waves lap up on the shore. The sunset was pretty, but definitely different from watching the sunset on the Oregon coast when it looks like it's going into the ocean. It's backwards over here. :-) hehe We ate dinner at Mahi Mah's just off the boardwalk. We ended up getting a window seat, so we were able to watch all the Christmas lights turn on--they were very pretty. It was fun to walk around by the lights on the way back to our car. David liked to point out different things that he saw (and wanted to get out and touch them, but we didn't think that would be a very good idea).
Oh, on the drive from Williamsburg to Virginia Beach and back, we drove through a tunnel under water. I didn't much care for it. Truthfully, I was gripping the door handle pretty hard and was praying that I would not start getting clausterphobic and that there wouldn't be any accidents in the tunnel. I survived though. :-) It really wasn't so bad either.
We're definitely glad to be home. Glad to start getting back into somewhat of a routine. Glad to be sleeping in our own beds again (although David and Sydney are sleeping in my bed with Rob right now...very sweet). Rob and I will be going back to Williamsburg sometime within the next year for a couple of days by ourselves--then, we'll get to tour the museums and listen to the different talks that they have throughout the day.
Guess that it's time to take Sydney downstairs so she can go "night night" and then I can catch some shut-eye as well. I have a few things that I need to do tomorrow yet in preparation for Christmas.
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