Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My 2nd Maternity Photo Shoot!

Yesterday, Cassandra came over to have her maternity photos taken. Tifini had actually highly recommended my services and talked her into contacting me to have her photos done. Oh my goodness, I have literally almost been in tears over how beautiful Cassandra's photos have been turning out! The highlights and shadows created by the lights have been amazing. We tried a lot of new poses and repeated some from my other maternity session--overall, we ended up with art! This is only one of the photographs that I have tweaked (I was actually attempting to create a watermark for my images in PhotoShop. I am so PhotoShop challenged--the things that should be so simple, seem to take me FOREVER.) Also...I'm exposure challenged. What my exposure meter indicates is the proper exposure (even reflected off my gray card) is always underexposed to my camera. If I slow down the shutter like I'm supposed to to get my camera to be happy, if my subject moves, even slightly, blur is created on the image. Ugh!!! Think I'm going to go and talk to the guy at the camera store this afternoon when we go to the farmer's market and see what I should do.
Photography is so amazing--and it's really starting to keep me busy!!! I had one session yesterday, one on Monday and have another one tomorrow and part two of yesterday's session will be done over the weekend--this time Cassandra's boyfriend will be photographed with her. I can hardly wait!!! But back to photography being's a venue for me to be creative. For me to feel like a true artist.
In the next couple of weeks, I am going to be creating a separate blog for my studio to post different photos there. That way, my personal and professional stuff will be kept separate to some extent. As soon as that happens, I will post a link here so y'all can see my work.
Today I'm hoping to get out and do something fun. Since it has been rainy, the boys are getting a little stir crazy. And frankly, they're driving me bananas!!! Right now they're having a lightsaber battle in the studio--better get 'em outta here and try to channel that energy in a more productive manner (and away from my equipment).
Hope you have a wonderful day!

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