I have been backing up photos from our old digital camera (and have been going through some to print--I can't believe that I have very few printed from Aidan's first year...David has an entire box of photos that I have to scrapbook still since I shot with a film camera when he was a baby). I came across these ones of David--a range of him only being days old to almost 2 1/2. He pretty much looks the same now, but has some bigger-boy features (and the attitude to go with). :)
He will be 5 next week. He is my baby, yet at the same time he is my big boy. Time has sure flown!
I'm a young 30-something, stay-at-home-wife and mama. Other titles I go by are: home educator, chef, lesson planner, curriculum developer, seeker of wisdom and knowledge, and a Child of the King. I have been married to the most amazing man for 13 years--he is truly my best friend is an incredible gift from my Heavenly Father. I thank God for him often. I am mama to 2 awesome boys who bring me so much joy (and occasionally frustration too)--they have definitely taught me a lot about myself...maybe a little more than I ever wanted to know!
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