Bluebonnets - a view from the city park in Crawford, TX
Our recent trip up north was full of new delights and wonders, and also proved to be a bit nostalgic. We were so amazed and enthralled by the beauty of the Texas countryside around Waco and Crawford. It's quite a bit different from what we have down here in the valley. The Brazos River and the different cliffs carved from the water that we glimpsed while at the Crawford City Park or even while driving along were so beautiful and unique. The green fields and the farms, er, ranches we drove past were so peaceful. And the wildflowers were oh so beautiful (the bluebonnets were definitely my favorites)!
We drove to and around Crawford one afternoon--just wanting to see what it was like (and to see where former President and First Lady Bush lived...). When we drove into town and I caught my first glimpse of the grain elevators, it felt like I had finally arrived home. A part of me wanted to pack up my bags and move right then and there. ;-) Alas, that is not meant to be, but it was fun to imagine and I enjoyed reminiscing about my hometown, small town life, relationships and dreaming about the grain elevators that dot the landscape of my childhood stomping grounds.
The weather was beautiful--perfect for a drive, and perfect for being able to play and explore around the park. The boys enjoyed a little rock climbing and rock skipping, and also enjoyed playing on the large wooden play structure in the park. Rob and I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the park (minus the laughter and shouts from our children) and the beauty of the view there. We felt so thankful to be able to enjoy a different part of our new home state and to be able to take in the beauty it had to offer. And just maybe, when we're in that area again, and I'm feeling a bit homesick, we can stop and see the grain elevators. :-)