Thursday, April 15, 2010


The mood around our house is a bit somber and contemplative this morning. The boys and I just finished reading Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose by Janet and Geoff Benge and have been thinking about and discussing what we have read. When I asked the D-man what his thoughts and impressions were after reading the story, I was a little floored. He told me that Jim's story taught him that he should be willing to tell others about Jesus, even if it is risky. Following God's plan is more important than doing what will keep us comfortable (that was my thought, not his). Aidan was sad that Jim Elliot and the other men died, but was happy that Jim's wife was able to go tell the Waorani (aka "remember, those people") about Jesus later.

D mentioned last night that he wants to be a missionary pilot when he grows up. He has spoken of a desire to be a pilot in the Air Force or to be a missionary (or a catcher for the Texas Rangers), but our readings lately have blossomed this desire in him. A part of me wants to cling to my baby boy, to always be looking out for his safety and comfort; however, God was speaking to me last night, reminding me of the fact that in reality my children are His. Rob and I are to raise them, to train and teach them the ways of the Lord, to love them, and nurture them, but God has an ultimate plan for each of our boys' lives and that I need to be willing to submit to His will for them. So, while I sewed into the wee hours of the morning, I prayed for them.

I read 2 Corinthians 10 and 11 the other night and was reminded of the passage where Paul boasts about his sufferings. That man went through so much--beatings, multiple shipwrecks, imprisonment, stoning, hunger, thirst, etc. but he persevered to fulfill the purpose God had given him. That purpose was to share the gospel of Christ with others. What am I willing to go through to share the gospel? Am I willing to undergo potential rejection, discomfort, etc., or will I merely be content to stay within my comfort zone, choosing not to allow my boundaries to be stretched so He can be glorified? I can say that my boundaries are being stretched currently with starting a life group at our house and having just moved to a new community (although I think a part of me was begrudgingly obedient on that account--I would have been happy to have stayed where we were if that were a possibility).

The pondering is going to continue, and my prayers will increase. We need these challenges (or at least I do) from time to time to shake us out of our complacency and to make us reevaluate and seek His will for our lives.

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