Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Word for 2011.

Over the last few years, one of my favorite bloggers/scrapbookers posts her word of the year and encourages her readers to do the same. I have chosen not to participate in the game, not to laziness, but because I have never been able to think of a word in particular that emulates what my goals are for the upcoming year. I have prayed and pondered, and have prayed and have pondered some more, and finally have a word to focus on for 2011. Discipline.

dis-ci-pline - verb.
1. to train by instruction and exercise; drill
2. to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.

I desire to be disciplined through having a regular morning quiet time with the Lord. This is a HUGE stretch for me--I am NOT a morning person, but through discipline (and with God's and my husband's help), I can train myself to be. "She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family..." Proverbs 31:15a. Rob has woken me up the last two mornings, and it has been refreshing being able to drink my coffee in a quiet house, to read my Bible without having my children squabbling in the background and actually having time to pray! When I have tried to have my quiet time at other parts of the day, I become very distracted by what the boys are doing, I'm tired, or I stay up too late and sleep in too long.

Another area I desire to be disciplined in is exercise and eating well. To not eat cookies just because they are there (oh Girl Scout cookies, you are going to be testing my self control--thank goodness I already ate the Samoas!). ;-) I want to make healthier snack choices during the day, and to watch my portion sizes, even when I'm eating my favorite things! I want to get out with the boys to ride our bikes daily for part of our homeschool P.E. I want to walk with my friend, Angie, regularly. Once I get used to waking up before Rob leaves for campus, I'd like to wake up even earlier (eek--I can hardly believe I am saying that) to add yoga, weight training, etc. to my workout regimen. This will take discipline.

Discipline is something that I also need to be intentional about creating within our homeschool. To have a regular routine. For the most part, we do well routine-wise covering our subjects, but we really need to stay focused (I need to teach the boys how to stay focused on the task at hand), and have a better routine for getting our work done. Yesterday, they really enjoyed being able to play all afternoon since we finished school and had lunch by 1. Not all days are like that, but I think that we would all do better if they were. This routine will also flow into bedtime. Having the boys be in bed by 8:30 so Rob and I can spend time together before we go to sleep.

I have my work cut out for me this year. I know that challenges are going to arise; however, by writing this here, I'm hoping that there will be an added element of accountability.

"She sets about her work vigorously, her arms are strong for her tasks." Proverbs 31:17

"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27