Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bits and Pieces of Birthday.

Important things for turning 7:
  • Presents - lots of LEGOS for the little builder. Star Wars and pirates (or anything "adventure" preferred).
  • Birthday banners made by Mama: 1 fabric, 1 out of her scrapbooking/stamping stash.
  • A birthday crown for the birthday boy - the robot is a must-have. The red 'D' makes it even better.
  • Izze soda, homemade pizza and Star Wars Clone Wars napkins--need we say more?
  • Special friends and family to celebrate the special day with.
  • 1 super-excited birthday boy.
  • A trip to the local bowling alley for some afternoon fun.
  • Homemade donuts for breakfast and homemade mac-n-cheese (the birthday boy's favorite) for dinner.

The cake will come a little bit later, as will a few photos from our afternoon bowling excursion. :) All in all, the birthday boy would say that his day has been pretty fine and dandy.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Tomorrow is Valentine's day and it's also the D-man's 7th birthday. Wow. Where has the time gone? Can my firstborn really and truly be turning 7 tomorrow?

I've nearly completed all of the preparations for his birthday (decor, gift wrapping, etc.). There is a birthday pennant banner that I just constructed from my scrapbooking/stamping stash--honey, I do use that stuff! :) that needs to be hung up. Birthday cake needs to be made, but at least it's starting to look a bit festive around here.

However, at the same time, I feel a little bit of envy toward my friends who are making all sorts of fun Valentine's day plans. The hearts, scavenger hunts, heart-shape pancakes (we'll be having homemade donuts though), special themed-lunches, decorating in the pink, white & red with hearts everywhere...sigh. There is a part of me who really misses getting to do that, but I guess that one major plus to choosing to celebrate David's birthday on his birth-date is that we don't have to fight the crowds when Rob and I go on our "Valentine's day" date. :) And, I do sit and remember that 'D' is my best Valentine's day present ever--a fact that he will freely tell anyone when they comment that his birthday is on this particular holiday.