Monday, April 26, 2010

Meandering Deep in the Heart of Texas.

Nothing quite says "home" to this girl raised in wheat country like grain elevators.

Our first time experiencing the beauty of the Texas state flower - bluebonnets (and my, were they pretty!)

Bluebonnets - a view from the city park in Crawford, TX

Our recent trip up north was full of new delights and wonders, and also proved to be a bit nostalgic. We were so amazed and enthralled by the beauty of the Texas countryside around Waco and Crawford. It's quite a bit different from what we have down here in the valley. The Brazos River and the different cliffs carved from the water that we glimpsed while at the Crawford City Park or even while driving along were so beautiful and unique. The green fields and the farms, er, ranches we drove past were so peaceful. And the wildflowers were oh so beautiful (the bluebonnets were definitely my favorites)!

We drove to and around Crawford one afternoon--just wanting to see what it was like (and to see where former President and First Lady Bush lived...). When we drove into town and I caught my first glimpse of the grain elevators, it felt like I had finally arrived home. A part of me wanted to pack up my bags and move right then and there. ;-) Alas, that is not meant to be, but it was fun to imagine and I enjoyed reminiscing about my hometown, small town life, relationships and dreaming about the grain elevators that dot the landscape of my childhood stomping grounds.

The weather was beautiful--perfect for a drive, and perfect for being able to play and explore around the park. The boys enjoyed a little rock climbing and rock skipping, and also enjoyed playing on the large wooden play structure in the park. Rob and I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the park (minus the laughter and shouts from our children) and the beauty of the view there. We felt so thankful to be able to enjoy a different part of our new home state and to be able to take in the beauty it had to offer. And just maybe, when we're in that area again, and I'm feeling a bit homesick, we can stop and see the grain elevators. :-)

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The mood around our house is a bit somber and contemplative this morning. The boys and I just finished reading Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose by Janet and Geoff Benge and have been thinking about and discussing what we have read. When I asked the D-man what his thoughts and impressions were after reading the story, I was a little floored. He told me that Jim's story taught him that he should be willing to tell others about Jesus, even if it is risky. Following God's plan is more important than doing what will keep us comfortable (that was my thought, not his). Aidan was sad that Jim Elliot and the other men died, but was happy that Jim's wife was able to go tell the Waorani (aka "remember, those people") about Jesus later.

D mentioned last night that he wants to be a missionary pilot when he grows up. He has spoken of a desire to be a pilot in the Air Force or to be a missionary (or a catcher for the Texas Rangers), but our readings lately have blossomed this desire in him. A part of me wants to cling to my baby boy, to always be looking out for his safety and comfort; however, God was speaking to me last night, reminding me of the fact that in reality my children are His. Rob and I are to raise them, to train and teach them the ways of the Lord, to love them, and nurture them, but God has an ultimate plan for each of our boys' lives and that I need to be willing to submit to His will for them. So, while I sewed into the wee hours of the morning, I prayed for them.

I read 2 Corinthians 10 and 11 the other night and was reminded of the passage where Paul boasts about his sufferings. That man went through so much--beatings, multiple shipwrecks, imprisonment, stoning, hunger, thirst, etc. but he persevered to fulfill the purpose God had given him. That purpose was to share the gospel of Christ with others. What am I willing to go through to share the gospel? Am I willing to undergo potential rejection, discomfort, etc., or will I merely be content to stay within my comfort zone, choosing not to allow my boundaries to be stretched so He can be glorified? I can say that my boundaries are being stretched currently with starting a life group at our house and having just moved to a new community (although I think a part of me was begrudgingly obedient on that account--I would have been happy to have stayed where we were if that were a possibility).

The pondering is going to continue, and my prayers will increase. We need these challenges (or at least I do) from time to time to shake us out of our complacency and to make us reevaluate and seek His will for our lives.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

post game fireworks - the show was amazing

The Mariners fans of the bunch (Aidan is pouting because the Mariners were losing)

One happy Texas Rangers fan before the game

We Texans like our star. :)

Our view of the field - right after warm-ups.

We were able to take a trip up to Waco and Dallas late last week and were SO excited to find out that the Seattle Mariners were in town playing the Texas Rangers at the Rangers Ballpark at Arlington. The trash talking that happened between the male members of our household before the game was very enjoyable! Three-fourths of us are Mariners fans (although I must admit that Aidan hasn't really chosen his team yet--he's more of a Mariners fan by persuasion of his parents), while the other one is a Rangers fan (his Daddy hasn't gotten him to drink the Kool-Aid yet--lol!).

The game was so much fun. A 9-year-old boy and his family sat right in front of us, and David and Aidan enjoyed getting to talk to him about the game, the players and David and Jack played the Topps Attack card game with each other too. We enjoyed getting to meet Jack and his family during the game as well. David was happy to have a bunch of Rangers fans to do victory dances with whenever they scored runs (while we Mariners fans would just wonder when our team was going to start playing ball). The Rangers ended up being the victors; however, we all had a great time together watching baseball and getting to experience the wonders and excitement of seeing a game live.

After the game, we stayed to watch the fireworks show. We were supposed to have seen one last July when we were up in Arlington for a Mariners/Rangers game; however, the game was rained out and the fireworks canceled. This was not the case this time though. The weather was perfect for the game and for the fireworks afterward, and the show did not disappoint! We had a great time together watching baseball deep in the heart of Texas.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Brotherly Love.

D wrote a paragraph about his brother for school a few weeks ago. I thought it was so sweet that it just had to be shared! Enjoy. :)